This is the first in a blog series that introduces the reader to various members of the Executive Team at ArisGlobal. The ArisGlobal marketing department spent time with Clint Wolfe, Chief Human Resources Officer. Clint graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English and Communication from Penn State University, then continued at that institution to obtain his Master’s Degree in Management and Business Administration. His many years of experience at IMS Health, IQVIA, and BioClinica provided him with both Human Resources and Life Sciences knowledge that has elevated his contributions at ArisGlobal.

What attracted you specifically to ArisGlobal?

The thirty-year history that is here, being relevant in the industry, producing offerings that are top-in-class, and best practice tools. Also, the kinds of talent that I was aware of within the ArisGlobal organization, referring to the talent that the company was able to attract prior to me joining, but certainly since I’ve joined as well. This company has so much potential, and I think the recent investment from our partners at Nordic Capital is a strong validation of that. The business model here is critically dependent on our people and their capabilities.  That makes working in Human Resources at ArisGlobal very exciting and rewarding.

What are your visions for yourself and the Human Resources (HR) department?

There is a true partnership at all levels of the organization between HR and our business. I think it is important for the HR function to have a clear understanding of the company’s strategic goals and then to align relevant people agendas to support that direction. I have encouraged my team to always challenge each other to make sure that the things that we are working on in HR are directly relevant to what the company is trying to achieve. I have such a huge appreciation for everyone’s engagement in HR – HR activities, HR processes – because they really are business activities, and they are all related to our people.

What changes have transpired at ArisGlobal due to COVID-19?

We formed the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Team very early on, which I humbly am proud to lead. We recognized the need for the company to proactively plan for and respond to rapidly changing COVID-19-related developments. The COVID-19 Team will remain active for as long as necessary. We are currently focused on creating phased re-opening plans for our physical facilities, while doing everything we can to safeguard the health and safety of our employees.

ArisGlobal had really big plans for 2020 before the COVID pandemic. We’ve been able to continue to execute against the majority of those plans. Maintaining commitments around delivery and support to clients, while making a complete shift to working from home. I think, as an organization, we’ve done a really good job of making those transitions. I am incredibly proud of how everyone has come together internally to work through these unprecedented times. On behalf of the ArisGlobal organization, I want to convey that we truly appreciate what everyone is doing collectively to maintain focus and commitment while also balancing their personal lives.

Has each of the different regions been treated the same, or have there been some variations?

We’ve been making more regional and/or country-level decisions based on local COVID trends. What is the active caseload? Is it increasing, is it decreasing, or is it leveling off? The COVID pandemic is unfolding at varying rates of cases around the world. We have to appropriately customize our approach and our decision-making processes.

What has helped your teams better manage their work from home situations?

ArisGlobal has created some videos and content with tips and tricks for working from home. Additionally, some teams around the world have been creative with internal chatrooms, photo contests, recipe submissions, and just trying to look for new ways to engage without necessarily having to get together. People are continuing to recognize contributions, reward each other, and thank each other for not only contributing to the business but for helping each other. Most of the effort has been focused on generating positivity.

What about celebrating company milestones, achievements, and other activities during this time?

HR has been very closely working with both managers of all levels and employees, looking for new ways to engage and stay connected. As everyone is aware, it’s not possible to do what we might normally do and assemble teams of people around the world to celebrate successes, and that likely won’t be possible for the foreseeable future. ArisGlobal holds global town halls, and managers regularly host smaller virtual team meetings. We are also working hard to execute key Business Processes like Goal Setting, building individual learning and development plans, and enhanced rewards and recognition. We are anxiously awaiting opportunities to gather in person and celebrate our successes as well. And we welcome any suggestions for more!

Have you seen other positive outcomes that can be correlated back to COVID-19?

Interestingly enough, working remotely has perhaps created more connectivity around the world than we previously experienced. Perhaps these last several months have convinced us that we can connect and behave more globally even if we’re not getting on airplanes. The pandemic has taught us a lot about ourselves as individuals, as professionals, and as an organization.

It seems that almost every aspect of human life has been affected in some way by COVID-19.  But at ArisGlobal, we have proven that not even a worldwide pandemic can change our collective commitment to our company and to supporting our clients in improving healthcare outcomes and saving patient lives. That’s what we will continue to do.

For more information on ArisGlobal’s business continuity plans, click here.

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