As a medical information software provider, it is necessary to recognize that there is some decent software out there in the life science’s space. And quite obviously, Veeva CRM and Veeva Vault are dominating their respective business lines, for their areas of focus and expertise. Whether it is Veeva, or another company, many clients opt for best-in-class solutions that will solve very specific business problems (like those in the CRM space), but will ultimately require integration in order to share information across different disciplines.

However, while the Veeva platform is powerful, medical information is clearly very different from CRM or document management, and there are areas within MI that require specialist support and capabilities, specifically in the areas of compliance. As a result, these clients have looked to the ArisGlobal LifeSphere® Medical Affairs suite of software.

But whatever your business/user requirements, it is clear that integration with a company like Veeva is key to establishing optimal processes for either content or contact management.

One such company is both a Veeva and ArisGlobal customer. They use Veeva Vault as a global content repository and wanted to be able to use any content prepared within Veeva Vault within LifeSphere® MI, our medical information system. Seamless integration between the two systems was needed. The good news is that the dark days of integration phobia and point-to-point integration are behind us, and today integration is easily achieved.

We discussed two potential integration options with this customer.

The first option was to allow the selection of a document from within the MI response. When compiling a response, the user would perform a content search using products and keywords, seamlessly searching the Veeva Vault repository to identify the required document. A simple selection would allow the document to be copied into the inquiry for fulfillment. The user would then compile their response package and distribute it by the appropriate medium.

The second option provided was to copy the content created and approved in Veeva Vault into the LifeSphere MI content repository. The main reason for taking this approach was to allow the MI teams to create specific access privileges to support searching, selection and distribution of content. This meant that when compiling a response, the document would be selected from the content repository within LifeSphere MI, allowing the MI team to control access rights and other information such as expiry.

There are valid reasons for either option. The point is that integration is easily achieved, allowing you to select the best of both worlds: a world-class medical information system integrating with the number one pharma CRM solution and content management solution.

Who said you cannot have your cake and eat it!

Visit our booth on Stand 6 at DIA Medical Affairs & Scientific Communications Forum, March 19-21, Rancho Mirage, CA to see for yourself!


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