LifeSphere Reporter Fact Sheet

Discover the benefits of LifeSphere Medical Affairs Reporter in one place as an easy to distribute to stakeholders within your organization

LifeSphere Medical Affairs Overview Guide

Learn how our LifeSphere Medical Affairs platform provides an automated, multichannel, and data-centric solution to help you engage better across your safety and medical information operations.

LifeSphere Medical Information Fact Sheet

Discover the benefits of LifeSphere Medical Information and how it enables your global teams to seamlessly manage medical inquiries, maintain and share information, and process adverse events, for more efficient compliance and end-to-end collaboration.

While “Speed of Delivery” Tops the List of Medical Affairs Challenges, Active Use of Automation Is Still in the Early Stages

On June 18th, 2019, ArisGlobal presented the webinar “Effective Automated Content Management Strategies for Today’s Successful Medical Information Managers.” When polled, 40% of attendees rated “speed of delivering information” as their top challenge, yet only 13% have adopted automated component authoring to help remedy the situation. That and other interesting insights are shared in this first of a two-part blog series.

Moving to Self-Service: A Key Component of an Effective Automated Content Management Strategy for Medical Information Managers

By 2020, 67% of physicians will be digital natives and will prefer obtaining medical information on specific medications through digital channels, and by 2025, 75% of our global workforce will be accomplished by millennials who are extremely comfortable with digital technology. In this final blog of our two-part series, we share how the move to self-service is creating a clear paradigm shift and impacting the content management strategy of today’s MI departments.