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Extracting Safety Signals from Social Media through Artificial Intelligence

Whether companies like it or not, consumers are discussing their products in social media forums. Comments about adverse events exist on patient forums, and on more generic social forums such as Facebook and Twitter. While much of what is said is not relevant or verifiable, there are safety signals that companies should be paying attention to, and that go to the heart of pharmacovigilance and social media.

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LifeSphere Safety: Extending a Worldwide Pharmacovigilance Program to the Japanese Market

An integrated safety and pharmacovigilance software system with worldwide business processes helps companies realize significant productivity benefits. This position paper…

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Pharmacovigilance and EU GDPR Compliance

Compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), scheduled to become effective 25th May 2018, applies to all organizations that control or process personal data of European Union (EU) residents with or without a physical presence in the EU.

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Lifting the Tedium of Medical Literature Monitoring with Automation

One of the key roles of pharmacovigilance departments is to understand the benefit-risk profile of a drug. But departments are often bogged down by manual tasks that can absorb time, which might be better spent on value-centric activities. Perhaps the most tedious pharmacovigilance activity is medical literature monitoring (MLM), and as we discussed in our last blog, manual, repetitive tasks are a primary cause of employee dissatisfaction.

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Survey Finds Slow But Steady Move toward a Unified Clinical Platform

During a recent webcast, ArisGlobal carried out an insightful survey, which found that visibility and reporting inefficiencies remain a headache.

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National Pharmacovigilance Systems & Role of Technology in Bridging the Disparities

Download this white paper to learn about. Pharmacovigilance with an ‘e’ – the “4pt-classification” of the state of evolution of national pharmacovigilance systems Modern technologies in pharmacovigilance system – the way forward for national PV systems Advanced pharmacovigilance technologies –the role ‘e- enablement’ technology plays in bridging the gaps in pharmacovigilance of regulatory authorities across the world

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ArisGlobal Announces LifeSphere® Publishing and LifeSphere® Analytics to Streamline Regulatory Submissions and Reporting

ArisGlobal, a leading provider of integrated cloud-based software solutions for life sciences, announces LifeSphere Publishing and LifeSphere Analytics, new solutions that will integrate with LifeSphere RIMS™ and LifeSphere IDMP™ to offer the most complete, unified platform for regulatory affairs. LifeSphere Publishing delivers streamlined publishing capabilities and content management, and LifeSphere Analytics ensures all reports and analyses will comply with regulatory requirements.

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adverse event Pharmacovigilance
Benefits & Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance

Pharmacovigilance is at a crossroads. The best, most innovative way forward for PV departments may well be automation, as they address the challenges (or market pull factors) and opportunities (or technology push capabilities).

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Medical Information: Easy Integration of LifeSphere® MI with Your Chosen CRM Lets You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

As a medical information software provider, it is necessary to recognize that there is some decent software out there in the life science’s space

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Re-Think Your Integrated CTMS: Why Moving to Unified Platform is the Only Path Forward

Most sponsors and clinical research organisations manage clinical trials using an average of three to five independent core systems. Creating…

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Leverage the latest GenAI and LLM innovations powered by LifeSphere NavaX   Learn More

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