Mobility and Medical Affairs: Enabling Communication and Collaboration across the Stakeholder Spectrum

Part 1: The importance of mobility and medical affairs and its value to the organization is most definitely on the rise.

“The most competitive pharma companies in the coming decade will be masters of data and digital technologies.” So begins the June 2017 industry brief, “Reinventing the Role of Medical Affairs,” by Bain & Company. The Bain & Company brief highlights how companies are beginning to upgrade medical affairs to help generate and analyze the growing volume of real-world data to develop data and scientific insights.

According to Bain research, 50% of all new drug launches fail to meet company expectations. In an effort to overcome this deficit, the transformation of medical affairs into “medical value teams” will require equipping the organization with deep product knowledge, which will require a shift away from old legacy approaches to one that assists in communicating scientific evidence, providing market-based input to assist in managing a company’s drug development and portfolio, and being the overseer in producing Big Data and real-world evidence.

A recent article in the April 2017 issue of PIPELINE, published by PIPA, on “Medical Information websites: The rise (and fall?) of multichannel in Medical Information,” by Jenn Quinn, Senior Medical Information Office, Janssen, shares how the early attempts of providing quick consumer access to information via their company websites have fallen short for many companies, with many sites simply being decommissioned.

So what’s a company to do? Ignoring the growing use of mobile devices is simply not an option. While this transformation is a longer-term and ambitious strategic path for many companies to undertake, medical affairs can definitely contribute now to the organization with improved competitive standing and customer satisfaction by leveraging new mobile-enabled approaches to long-standing medical affairs issues.

This is part 1 of a 2-part blog series. In part 2, our next blog will share specifics on what technology criteria and questions should be considered as a medical affairs team investigates possible solutions.

Learn how ArisGlobal’s LifeSphere® Mobile MA is transforming medical information management.

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