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2024 Industry Report AI & Automation: How does your company’s progress rank compared to the findings of our new industry survey?

Forward-thinking life sciences organizations have realized the benefits of AI-powered automation to transform their research and development operations, and streamline their path to market while enhancing patient safety.

But where are investments currently focused, for maximum strategic benefit?

Our new 2024 ArisGlobal Industry Report, Life Sciences R&D Transformation: Ambitions for Intelligent Automation & Today’s Reality, provides a timely deep-dive into the findings of our latest AI & Automation Industry Survey.

The research was conducted in late 2023 with 80+ organizations, spanning every patient treatment process domain, from top global pharmaceutical organizations to young biotechs.

Life Sciences Software

The Industry Report Explores:

  • The automation value spectrum, as rising data complexity necessitates more ambitious technology use
  • The growing use of intelligent automation, including the application of Generative AI
  • Where companies plan to invest next
  • The growing role of Real-World Data in unlocking the next level of patient treatment innovation, reducing costs, and expediting patient treatment approval
  • The need for improved integration to maximize the technology’s impact.

Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) – advanced automation – is now widespread and intensifying


Empowering Efficiency

75%+ of organizations already use some form of advanced automation within their processes today (up 13% from 2022 and just 5% in 2020)


Streamlining Synergy

While the biggest blocker to AI adoption in life sciences is budget (cited by 53.6%), 36% highlight lack of integration with existing technology


Pioneering Progress

There’s still a way to go: only 8% of life sciences organizations have applied advanced automation in “all” or “most” of their processes at this point


Future-Proofing Success

70%+ of respondents plan to expand business process automation over the next 18 months


Unlocking Insights

They’re seeing the value too: 54% of those currently connected to RWD plan their use of this data



Download your free copy of the full 2024 survey report

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